Unconditional respect – we work in an environment where respect is of utmost importance between coaches, children, parents and staff.

Reliability and Professionalism – be responsible and reliable in all work tasks and see that club policies and procedures are adhered to in a conscientious way, ensuring all work responsibilities are completed in a professional manner.

Teamwork – we believe it is vital to work together as a team through cooperation and helping one another wherever possible.

Open and honest communication – being approachable and easy to talk to is vital for the continued success of the Club. If you have a concern, speak immediately and directly to the person involved.

Perpetual Growth and Initiative – we strive to work in an environment where our employees and gymnasts are growing and learning, ensure transparency within our community 

Integrity – see that your private behavior aligns with your public behavior. Avoid and actively stop others from teasing, bullying, venting, name calling etc.

Responsibility – when you receive a question, concern or complaint, you are responsible for seeing it to its resolution.

Win them over – put exceptional effort into winning over a dissatisfied parent and/or gymnast so that they become our strongest advocate.


To create and maintain a shared understanding of how we all should behave towards one another 

To provide clear, unambiguous guidance for members of staff about the standards of conduct that are expected of them

To contribute to a culture that explicitly supports every child has the entitlement to: Stay Safe; Be Healthy; Enjoy and Achieve

Make a Positive Contribution and Achieve Economic Well-Being

We understand that we are part of a professional organization

When we come to work or take part in off-site work activities, this commits us to the following:

Taking professional responsibility for fulfilling the role of being a positive role model (dress, talk and act)

Being an effective team member; acknowledging the voice and contributions of each other and offering and receiving support where needed

Being positive in my thinking and approach (constructive, seeking solutions and having a go)

Adhering to deadlines and keeping to time

Communicating effectively, clearly, honestly and transparently with all stakeholders

Demonstrating fairness and consistency

Showing appreciation (taking time to thank and acknowledge the contributions of  others)

Staff Code of Conduct

We teach and respond to children/members as unique individuals

With parents:

Parents have an entitlement to be informed about their child’s learning and wellbeing.

We always seek to involve and engage parents in this process

We recognize parents’ entitlement to express any concerns they may have about their child’s learning, safety or well-being

We always seek to work in partnership with parents, using their understanding of their own child to help us to provide the best learning opportunities that we can

We recognize that parents’ worries and concerns can be extremely emotive and we acknowledge that, at times, we will need to speak to parents when they are upset

If we are concerned that a parent may be aggressive or otherwise inappropriate towards us, we can ask for a colleague (usually a head coach/manager) to be present

We are honest with parents, without undermining colleagues and respond fairly to their concerns

When speaking to parents, we always consider how we would expect to be spoken to ourselves

We recognize the right to confidentiality of all members

With other members of staff:

We act in a professional manner towards colleagues, irrespective of our relative position or status

Speaking politely to one another

Being flexible and understanding of necessary changes within the activities day

Assuming that the actions of others are carried out in good faith

Communicating clearly and honestly with colleagues

Addressing concerns openly and honestly with the person to whom the concern is addressed, whenever possible, without publicly criticizing anyone

Being publicly supportive of colleagues, and dealing with concerns or disagreements privately, with support if necessary

We share a responsibility to encourage and support our colleagues in their professional development

We consider all members of the staff team to have equal value, irrespective of their job

Staff Code of Conduct

When speaking to colleagues, we always consider how we would expect to be

spoken to ourselves

Concerns raised with managers are dealt with confidentially

If further action is required, the head coach has responsibility to inform only the appropriate person

We are all accountable for our actions and performance and that from time-to-time managers will deliver feedback

All individual feedback is given sensitively, and constructively

Approaching issues with colleagues in a way that always seeks to solve potential problems in a positive way

Never act in a way that publicly undermines a colleague

We all take responsibility for our actions and are prepared to apologise when we have made mistakes and undertake to learn from those errors


We dress in a manner that exhibits the importance of the job that we do

We wear smart, practical, professional dress appropriate to the job being undertaken.

Where uniform is provided, this should be worn at all times.

We avoid wearing clothes that could cause offence to others


With children:

We act respectfully towards children at all times

Speaking in a calm and objective way, even in the face of challenging circumstances

Using a range of vocal volume that is appropriate to the learning activity (we may raise our voices in a controlled way to achieve a desired impact, but we never shout in anger)

Showing good manners to children and thereby modelling what good manners are

Giving children time to express themselves

Pursuing settlements to conflicts between children in a way that is demonstrably fair and listens to all points of view before making a considered judgement

Making clear to children why a course of action has been necessary

We are consistent in the way that we apply rewards and sanctions to the children, so that each individual child knows that they will receive the same treatment from any member of staff

We understand that children have a right to be heard

We are friendly and supportive to all children, but maintain our professionalism at all times.

We use physical contact with children in a careful, sensitive and respectful way. A hand on the shoulder or head is often a good way of engaging with an individual child.

We adopt the principle that parents want their children to be given a certain level of physical reassurance if distressed, hurt or otherwise in need. This is the case for all children, but may be appropriate more frequently for younger children

We all take responsibility for our actions

FACILITY…..pictures of facilities